Seems like a Patent War is on between Samsung and Apple - Samsung’s Defense - iPad-like device is seen in the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey

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Septemberx uploaded a video on February 11, 2010 reveals the Apple vs. Samsung legal case. The film lasts for one minute and it shows two astronauts are eating and at the same time using personal tablet computers. Samsung’s argument is that what Apple calls the “iPad design” - a rectangular, flat computer, to simplify – check the patent has been seen in prior art, and that Apple did not “invent” the notion of tablet computers.Now, it will be interesting to see if the court sides with Samsung, or not. Clearly people are very divided on this topic. Those who agree with Apple say that without the iPad, the competitors would not have created their devices, and those who disagree with Apple say that patenting the tablet format is simply ludicrous.

So far, Apple has had some success in blocking Samsung tablets here and there. Although there are many tablet manufacturers, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 is the only design that is a clear danger for the iPad, both in terms of design and specifications. It is lighter, movies play in widescreen and it is great-looking.

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